Our February meeting was a light hearted Zoom meeting with the primary purpose of renewing old friendships. 22 members and 3 guests Zoomed in, and all seemed to be enjoying themselves, some (including Kevin, our Zoom master) showing considerable Zoom skills!
The quiz, put together by Frances and Ian was self-administered and self-marking. The 30 questions were wine related, and were all multiple choice as in the example below
After a short break, the screens were shown again with the answers highlighted. Each player counted up the number of correct answers, and Frances tactfully narrowed down the entrants until it was clear that Neil Briffett was our winner. This procedure avoided some members having to confess to rather surprisingly low marks! In case there are suspicions, it is true that the committee did have a short practice to see how it went and we were well pleased with the results, until Frances dropped the bombshell that the questions on which we had practised were not going to be in the real quiz!