Keith Grainger is a multi-award winning wine author and writer, masterclass presenter and consultant winemaker.
His latest book is on a serious topic: ‘Wine Faults and Flaws: A Practical Guide’, which has won the coveted 2022 Prix de l’OIV, together with other awards. A previous work: ‘Wine Production and Quality’ (co-author Hazel Tattersall) won the Gourmand Award for the Best Wine Book in the World for Professionals in 25 Years, and is mandatory or recommended reading for many wine courses, including university oenology programmes.
He considers wine to be as much art as science, and that wines should be exciting. “Fine wine should exude a sense of place,” he says. “Above all, wine should be fun. Wines are produced in over 65 countries, and it is often stated that production standards are higher than at any time in the 8000 or more years of vinous history. However, I am saddened by the fact that wines have become more standardised and globalised. In other words some of the individuality has been lost.”
He is not a lover of the awarding of points for wines. “Would you judge an opera, or an individual performance, and award 97 or 98 points? No! In any event, points inflation has resulted in some bog standard wines being given 90 points or more, which makes the whole system meaningless.”
Keith makes wine in northern Cyprus, and north-western Turkey. Each of these regions represents particular challenges he notes, including governments, culture, religion, climate and European hornets!
He travels the wine world extensively. Bordeaux remains one of his favorite regions. For many years he was an International Educator for the Bordeaux ‘École du Vin’, and is currently writing a book giving alternative insights into the region and its wines. However, he expounds that of late he has become more and more enamored with the great wines of north-eastern Italy. “Italians go their own way, and the best estates create wines that really excite.” Western Australia is also a passion – particularly the regions that lie off the beaten track!
He loves gaining and imparting knowledge at every opportunity and presents wine masterclasses globally. At a lighter level, he is also a regular presenter for many UK wine societies. His talks are always fun and entertaining, with deep insight, and sometimes with irreverent humour!
In 1993 Keith was a founding member of the Association of Wine Educators, which has grown to be the recognized ‘trade association’ for professional wine educators. He is also a member of the Circle of Wine Writers.